What Are Some of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the American Political Culture?
This course examines issues regarding the American political culture and its role in the political process. These include the following topics: whether there are one or more political cultures in the United States; attitudes towards politics and authority; political division; attitudes towards expertise; the accommodation of subcultures; support for fundamental principles and values of the system; political tolerance; political equality; support for the rule of law and due process; the impact of the American political culture on the political system; perceptions of the purposes and role of government; political ideology; citizens’ knowledge and understanding of government; citizens’ awareness of issues and representatives’ positions on them; political efficacy and civic engagement; participation; and the effects of the natural rights philosophy and classical republicanism.
Section 1: What Is Political Culture?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 2: How Do Americans View Expertise?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 3: How Are Differences among Political Subcultures Accommodated?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 4: What Is the Extent of Support for Principles and Values of the American Political System?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 5: How Tolerant Are Americans of the Rights of Others? How Supportive Are Americans of Political Equality?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 6: To What Extent Do Americans Support the Right to Due Process of Law and the Rule of Law?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 7: How Does American Political Culture Compare with the Political Cultures of Other Advanced Democracies?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 8: What Problems in Our Political System Are Made Worse by the American Political Culture?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 9: To What Extent Do Americans Agree with the General Purposes of Government Set Forth in the Declaration and Other Basic Documents?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 10: What Are the Differences among Americans about the Role and Purposes of Government?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 11: What Is the Role of Political Ideology?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 12: How Much Do Americans Know about Politics and Government?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 13: How Well Do People Understand the Roles, Functions, and Processes of Government?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 14: How Aware Are People of Their Representatives’ Stands on Issues?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 15: Does a Lack of Knowledge of Government and the Political Process Lead to a Lack of Feelings of Efficacy and Political Engagement?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 16: How Can Public Ignorance Endanger Democracy?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 17: To What Extent Do Americans Participate in the Political Process?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 18: What Is the Extent of Americans’ Civic Engagement?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 19: How Can Participation Be Increased?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 20: To What Extent Do People Think They Can Monitor and Influence Their Government?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 21: How Does the Public Feel in Terms of Their Political Efficacy?
- Discussion and research questions
Section 22: How Have Natural Rights Philosophy and Classical Republicanism Affected Our Political Culture?
- Discussion and research questions