Here is a link to George Washington's copy of the first draft of the Constitution. This includes his notations, and edits. All is found in the US National Archives.
Here is a link to George Washington's copy of the first draft of the Constitution. This includes his notations, and edits. All is found in the US National Archives.
Michael Cunningham James Madison Project
How and why the Founders created the American system of Federalism
How- The articles of Confederation was a complete
and utter failure. Note in Federalist #1
Alexander Hamilton wrote, “To the People of the State
of New York:
AFTER an ...
" The Civil War provoked profound changes in the Constitution...amounting to what many have called America's Second Founding."
Appearing in New York newspapers as the New York Ratification Convention met in Poughkeepsie, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote as Publius and addressed the citizens of New York through the Federalist Papers. These 85 essays subsequently circulated and were reprinted throughout the states as the Ratification process unfolded in other states.
The Center for the Study of the American Constitution (CSAC) is your one stop shop for all things ratification. CSAC has hundreds of primary sources related to the foundations of American constitutionalism, the Confederation Period, the Philadelphia Convention, the states and ratification, and ...
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