Idea One:
Using lessons 9 and 10 in the WTP High School (level 3) book or lessons 12-16 in the WTP Middle School (level 2) book, create a forum discussion or Socratic seminar where students can have an online debate/discussion using technology. The teacher will be the moderator posing essential questions for students answer.
Suggested Essential Questions: See the Critical Thinking Exercise questions on page 71 of the level 3 book (these are great!)
Resources to consider for technology:
Today's Meet (this can be projected on the screen and the students can use their computers or their devices)
Teacher Moodle Site - has a forum discussion
Or any other form that allows students to have an open (yet monitored) discussion with each other on the computer.
Idea Two:
Assign all of your students one delegate to the Constitution Convention and have them use the Internet to research their delegate. Have students create Facebook pages for their delegate or a mock twitter account. There are several example templates on the Internet. I differentiate this lesson for my struggling learners by assigning specific delegates mentioned in the WTP book so they will not struggle too much with the research. You can even broaden this idea and have their delegate start a twitter conversation and relate it to ratification of the Constitution. They would need to be sure to research if their delegate was a Federalists or Anti-Federalists.
A New Idea that I have not yet tried:
Memes: Have students research famous paintings, pictures or cartoons of the Constitutional Convention. Have students create a meme to go with the picture. Require the students to use information from what they have learned from the WTP book and the Convention. I have not had a chance to try this yet, but I am really excited to tryout having my kids create Memes.
I would love to hear if anyone has used Memes before.