Are you fully prepared and confident in your abilities to successfully pass the C_HCMOD_05 SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling exam? If you are eager to achieve outstanding results and excel in this exam, with the latest SAP HANA Cloud Modeling C_HCMOD_05 Real Questions from PassQuestion, you will have access to a wealth of valuable information covering all the essential exam topics. These SAP HANA Cloud Modeling C_HCMOD_05 Real Questions have been meticulously designed to ensure you are thoroughly equipped and well-prepared for your upcoming exam, giving you the best possible chance of achieving a successful result.
C_HCMOD_05 Exam Description - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling
The "SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses the required knowledge in the SAP HANA Cloud QRC 01/2022 for the profile of an SAP HANA Cloud application consultant. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through related SAP HANA Cloud training and preferably refined by practical experience within an SAP HANA Cloud project team, whereby the consultant applies acquired knowledge in this specialist area practically in projects. Furthermore, the " SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling " certification exam verifies, that the candidate has the knowledge of implementing calculation view graphical modeling and managing modeling content in SAP Business Application Studio required by the profile of an SAP HANA Cloud application consultant. The certificate issued for passing this exam will be valid for 5 years.
Exam Information
Exam Code: C_HCMOD_05
Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling
Exam:60 questions
Cut Score:67%
Duration:120 mins
Languages:English, Spanish
Topic Areas
Build calculation views > 12%
Configuring modeling functions > 12%
Manage and administer models > 12%
Optimize performance of models > 12%
Secure data models 8% - 12%
SQLScript in models 8% - 12%
View Online SAP HANA Cloud Modeling C_HCMOD_05 Free Questions
1.What can you do with shared hierarchies? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Access hierarchies created in external schemas
B. Enable SQL SELECT statements to access hierarchies
C. Provide reusable hierarchies for drilldown in a CUBE with star join
D. Provide reusable hierarchies for drilldown in a CUBE without star join
Answer: B D
2.Why would you create SQL in calculation views?
A. To implement custom logic
B. To provide an alternative to graphical modeling
C. To fine-tune performance
D. To enable write capabilities
Answer: A
3.Which type of join supports a temporal condition in a calculation view?
A. Referential join
B. Inner join
C. Text join
D. Left outer join
Answer: B
4.What options do you have to handle orphan nodes in your hierarchy? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Define an expression to determine a parent.
B. Generate additional root nodes.
C. Assign them to a level below the root.
D. Assign them to a node at the root level.
Answer: B C
5.What do you use in the definition of a dynamic SQL analytic privilege?
A. A table function that returns a list of allowed values.
B. A scalar function that returns a list of the allowed values for each attribute.
C. A procedure that returns the data access condition as an SQL expression.
D. An organization hierarchy that provides role-based access to data.
Answer: C
6.Which tool generates and executes the SQL for a specific node of your calculation view?
A. Debug Query mode
B. Explain plan
C. SQL analyzer
D. Database explorer
Answer: A
7.You are managing your source files using Git. In which sequence does your file progress towards a COMMIT?
A. Staging area -> Working directory -> Local Git repository
B. Working directory -> Staging area -> Local Git repository
C. Working directory -> Local Git repository -> Staging area
D. Local Git repository -> Staging area -> Working directory
Answer: B
8. What are some best practices when developing calculation views? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Model star schemas using a sequence of join nodes.
B. Aggregate at the lowest possible node.
C. Include all data flow logic within one calculation view.
D. Avoid defining joins on calculated columns.
Answer: B, D