Looking for ideas on Media Bias projects, whether public policy or Constitution, or election/electoral/politicking ...
Any ideas all? I think a media bias project would be a great scaffolding activity, culminating in the public policy/media portions of class curriculums...so, TOPICAL right now, and seemingly may stand the test of time with the changing era of our current democratic ideals and perceptions of democracy.
Your thoughts???
What a great idea. When I participated in Supreme Court Institute sponsored by Street Law and the Supreme Court Historical Society (an absolute must if you have not applied for this summer institute), they had us do an activity with current newspapers. The activity was geared toward Supreme Court decision newspaper coverage, but I think it could work for any current event topic. The group had selected articles from several newspapers. They had us analyze how the newspapers covered the same Supreme Court decision and identify the bias between the papers. I have used this same idea with my high school students. Can't wait to hear what ideas others will come up with. Thanks for suggesting this topic.
Thanks so much, Patience. Can you share, and might I modify it?
I think I will give a range of topics, as It is mostly Independent study work - but that sounds awesome.
The Newseum has a media literacy section and I may use a combination of that and some other things.
I have done Guilder Lehrman, we did SCOTUS lesson plans...did not know Street Law did a Summer Institute. Is it on their site, an educator link or something???
thanks again!
Just go to www.streetlaw.org and search Supreme Court Institute. Their binders from past years are located on their website. There are great lesson to use there. You should also consider applying. It was an amazing experience. Hope that helps.
Thanks for sharing! It does look awesome.
I am trying for a Freedoms Institute one this summer (no longer a teacher, but writing curriculum), so perhaps Street Law the year after
I am sharing with teacher friends across the country, though- thanks!!!
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