Round Robin - Students are given a discussion topic and individually students share their response with the group one at a time. Every member in the group is allotted the same amount of time.
Inside/Outside Circles - Students form two circles, one inside the other. The circles move clockwise until told to stop. Share ideas with person in front of them. They also can relay information learned from someone else in the circle.
Torpedo - (my favorite) Teacher poses a question or problem. Students brainstorm solutions in their groups. Call on one group and ask for one idea. If any other group has the same idea, they shout, "torpedo." Group gets points for original ideas with no "torpedoes." Teacher calls on the next group in order.
Many teaches order essay writing for students to help them improve their creative writing and research skills. But teachers should also ensure that students enjoy these activities and do not get bored and start seeing it as a burden instead of a fun activity.