Hi everyone. I need your help…
I am collecting data to help identify the real-world impact of political polarization brought on by social media interactions. The data that I collect will be used for my Master’s Thesis to complete my degree in Political Science at American Public University. The ...
Public Policy
Looking for ideas on Media Bias projects, whether public policy or Constitution, or election/electoral/politicking ...
Any ideas all? I think a media bias project would be a great scaffolding activity, culminating in the public policy/media portions of class curriculums...so, TOPICAL right now, and seemingly may stand the test of time with the changing era of our current democratic ideals and perceptions of democracy.
Your thoughts???
Earlier today I was asked some questions by a Brazilian journalist named Beatriz Bergamin. Among those questions were these three--
"1- How do public policies work in the USA?
2 - What is the importance of public policies in your opinion?
3 - Do you believe that public policies work and actually...
Before we can begin to talk about Public Policy, we should define it. However, this does not appear to be an easy task. The Center for Civic Education deals with this at the following link: