I Miss My Students Already!

Yesterday, I was asked by my school district to prepare for online learning for this upcoming week and possibly more weeks to come as they assess the situation with COVID-19 and try to heed the advice of the CDC and WHO. So yesterday, I scrambled to put a together an online review for my students and met with my Professional Learning Community virtually through three way calling on our cell phones.  We came up with a plan. I felt confident and sure of myself.

As my school district moved to online learning today (March 17th), I received an email from one of my students. I tried to respond to her, but the email bounced back as undelivered. The district reported that there were issues and for us to be patient. All I could think of is my student does not know there are issues, all she knows is her teacher didn’t respond. I decided to call her home personally from my own cell phone (something I don’t normally do). I got on the phone with my student and answered her question. I started to get all emotional. I could hear my voice crack as I asked her how she was doing and reassured her we would see each other again soon. I got off the phone and cried like a big baby. I didn’t realize how emotional this was going to be. I feel like a wreck now. I miss my students and can’t imagine not being able to say goodbye.