First Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:5:29, 4:4:18. See also U.S. Constitution
Fifth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:1:5, 2:2:9, 3:5:32, 4:4:18. See also U.S. Constitution
Ninth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:3:16, 3:1:4. See also U.S. Constitution
Tenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 1:4:26, 1:5:30, 2:5:27, 3:1:3, 3:4:23, 3:5:32. See also U.S. Constitution
Twelfth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:1:5, 4:3:12. See also U.S. Constitution
Thirteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:1:5, 2:1:7, 2:2:8, 2:2:9, 2:2:10, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 2:3:17. See also U.S. Constitution
Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution
Civil Rights Act and, 3:5:34
defining citizenship in, 2:1:7, 2:2:12, 2:3:13
due process in, 2:2:10
on equal protections, 2:3:14, 2:3:15
privileges and immunities clause in, 2:3:15, 2:3:16
Section 2, 2:4:20
Section 3, 2:4:21
Section 4, 2:4:22
Section 5, 2:4:23
Supreme Court and, 2:3:17
voting rights and, 4:1:2, 4:1:6
See also U.S. Constitution
Fifteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:1:5, 2:1:7, 2:2:12, 2:4:24, 4:1:2. See also U.S. Constitution
Sixteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 3:5:31
Seventeenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 3:1:2, 3:5:31. See also U.S. Constitution
Nineteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 2:5:26, 4:1:2, 4:1:4. See also U.S. Constitution
Twenty-Fourth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 4:1:2, 4:1:5
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 4:1:2, 4:1:5
Twenty-Seventh Amendment, U.S. Constitution, 3:1:7. See also U.S. Constitution
abolitionist movement, 2:4:20
abolition of slavery, 2:2:9, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 4:1:1. See also slavery
abortion, 3:1:6, 4:4:21. See also reproductive rights
absentee ballots, 4:1:5, 4:4:21. See also elections
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 2:5:30
Adair, Douglass, 1:4:24
Adams, John, 1:1:4, 2:1:5, 4:3:12
advice and consent process, 3:3:19
advisory councils, 1:1:5, 1:3:16, 1:4:23
Affordable Care Act, 3:2:10
African American citizens
black codes against, 2:3:18, 2:4:21
civil rights of, 2:1:4, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 3:4:28, 3:5:34, 4:1:3
Dred Scott case on, 2:2:8, 2:3:15
Fourteenth Amendment on, 2:3:16
as property vs. humans, constitutional arguments on, 2:4:22
states rental of, 2:2:10
voting rights of, 2:1:4, 2:1:7, 2:4:20, 4:1:2, 4:1:3
See also Thirteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution; slavery
age discrimination, 4:1:5. See also voting age
agrarian bias, 1:4:22
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
Alabama, 2:5:30
alcohol prohibition, 2:1:2
American Epic (Epps), 2:3:14
American federalism
in Article I, U.S. Constitution, 1:4:26
defined, 1:3:18, 3:1:3, 3:4:22
dual vs. cooperative, 3:4:25, 3:5:31, 3:5:32
on power of the national vs. state government, 1:5:30, 3:4:23, 3:4:24
privileges and immunities clause and, 2:3:18
See also Anti-Federalists; Federalists
American Indian communities, 2:3:15, 4:4:19
Amish community, 4:4:18, 4:4:19
documents published by, 1:1:1:, 1:4:23, 3:2:9
principles of, 1:4:26, 2:1:2, 3:1:4, 3:1:7
on U.S. Constitution, 1:4:21, 1:4:22, 1:4:26
See also American federalism; Federalists
apportionment, 2:4:20, 4:1:7. See also One Person, One Vote principle
antitrust acts, 3:4:30
aristocracy, 1:1:2, 1:4:23, 2:3:13
Aristotle, 1:1:2
Arizona, 4:2:8, 4:2:9, 4:2:10, 4:2:11
Article I, U.S. Constitution
Anti-Federalists on, 1:4:21
on implied powers, 1:5:28, 3:1:7
on legislative powers, 1:4:26, 3:1:3, 3:1:4
on limiting congressional powers, 3:4:23
Necessary and Proper Clause, 3:1:4, 3:1:7, 3:4:23, 3:4:26
on war power, 3:3:21
See also U.S. Constitution
Article II, U.S. Constitution
on executive powers, 1:4:23, 1:4:26, 3:1:4, 3:2:9
on presidential state of the union, 3:2:10
on U.S. House of Representatives, 4:1:1
See also U.S. Constitution
Article III, U.S. Constitution, 1:4:26, 3:1:4. See also U.S. Constitution
Article IV, U.S. Constitution, 2:3:16. See also U.S. Constitution
Article VI, U.S. Constitution, 1:3:17, 3:1:2, 3:4:23. See also U.S. Constitution
Article VII, U.S. Constitution, 1:3:17. See also U.S. Constitution
Article X, U.S. Constitution, 1:3:17. See also U.S. Constitution
Articles of Confederation
challenges to, 1:2:7
on executive powers, 1:2:8, 1:3:16
Federalists on, 1:4:25
as primary source, 1:1:1
Privileges and Immunities Clause in, 2:3:15, 2:3:16, 2:3:18
state sovereignty and, 3:4:22
on taxation, 1:2:12
weaknesses of, 2:1:2, 3:1:7, 3:3:19, 3:4:22
See also Constitutional Convention (1787); U.S. Constitution
assassination, 1:4:23
Baker v. Carr, 4:1:7
Bank of the United States, 3:4:26. See also currency
Barron v. Baltimore, 2:4:23
Battle of Appomattox, 2:4:19, 2:4:21, 2:4:23, 2:5:28
big data, 4:2:8
Bill of Rights, 1:4:21, 2:2:11, 2:3:15, 2:3:16, 2:3:18, 4:4:19. See also names of specific amendments; U.S. Constitution
Bingham, John, 2:1:2, 2:3:15, 2:4:19, 2:4:23
birthright citizenship, 2:3:15, 2:3:16. See also citizenship
black codes, 2:3:18, 2:4:21. See also African American citizens
Bradley, Joseph, 2:3:18
Brearley, John, 1:3:18
Brearley Committee, 1:3:18
Breckinridge, John, 2:1:6
Brennan, William, Jr., 2:5:29
bribery, 1:3:17, 1:3:18, 1:5:30. See also corruption
Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, 2:5:29
Brown v. Board of Education, 2:5:29
Brutus (pseudonym), 3:2:9
Bryan, William Jennings, 4:3:14
Burger, Warren, 4:4:18
Bush, George W., 4:3:13, 4:3:16
California, 2:5:27, 4:2:9, 4:4:21
campaign finance, 2:5:27
Case Act (1972), 3:3:20
caste system, 2:2:10. See also slavery
Cato (pseudonym), 1:4:23, 1:5:29
central bank system, 1:4:25. See also currency
Champion v. Ames, 3:5:31, 3:5:32, 3:5:34
Chase, Salmon, 2:4:20
checks and balances, 3:1:5, 3:3:15, 3:3:17. See also executive powers; separation of powers
child labor, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
children’s rights, 2:1:3
Christianity, 4:4:20
civic education and, 2:5:27
Fourteenth Amendment on, 2:3:14, 2:3:15
nation-states on, 1:1:5, 1:3:14, 1:4:21, 2:1:3, 2:1:7, 2:2:8
natural rights of, 2:1:3
privileges and immunities clause on, 2:3:15, 2:3:16
See also personhood; political rights; voting rights
City of Boerne v. Flores, 2:5:29
civic education, 2:5:27
civic virtue, 1:4:23
civil rights, 2:1:4, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 3:4:28, 3:5:34, 4:1:3
Civil Rights Act (1866), 2:2:10, 2:2:12, 2:3:17, 2:4:19
Civil Rights Act (1875), 3:5:34
Civil Rights Act (1964), 2:5:28, 3:5:34
Civil Rights Cases (1883), 3:5:34
civil rights movement, 4:1:5. See also African American citizens
Civil War, 2:2:9
class-based vs. popular government, 1:2:11, 1:4:23
Clinton, George, 1:2:7, 1:3:15, 1:4:23, 1:5:29
Clinton, Hillary, 4:3:16
Commander in Chief Clause, 3:2:9, 3:3:15
commerce and trade
Gibbons v. Ogden and, 3:4:27, 3:5:34
interstate, 1:4:25, 3:4:27, 3:4:28, 3:4:30
regulation of, 2:1:2, 3:1:7, 3:4:27, 3:4:30, 3:5:34
See also trade economies
Commerce Clause, 3:1:7, 3:4:27, 3:4:30, 3:5:31, 3:5:34
Committee of Detail, 1:3:16, 1:3:17
Committee of Style, 1:3:18
Common Cause v. Rucho, 4:2:8, 4:2:9
common law, 1:1:6, 2:3:16, 2:4:25
concurrent powers, 3:4:23
Confederate debt, 2:4:22
Connecticut Compromise, 1:2:11, 1:3:15, 1:3:18, 1:4:24
conservatism, 2:3:18
Constitution. See state constitutions; U.S. Constitution
Constitutional Convention (1787)
about, 1:2:7, 1:3:14, 1:4:21, 2:1:2
Brearley Committee, 1:3:18
Committee of Detail, 1:3:16, 1:3:17, 1:3:18
Committee of Style, 1:3:18
crafting Article II at, 1:3:18
early debates of, 1:3:15
Madison’s notes on, 1:1:1, 1:1:5, 1:3:14
union plans proposed at, 1:2:8, 1:2:9, 1:2:10, 1:2:11
See also Articles of Confederation; U.S. Constitution
constitutional grants of power, 1:4:26. See also U.S. Constitution
constitutional interpretations
construction of, 2:1:2, 2:3:14
by Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists, 1:4:26
by nation-states, 1:4:26
See also judicial powers; Supreme Court of the United States; U.S. Constitution
constitutional oath, 1:3:17. See also U.S. Constitution
Constitutional Revolution (1937), 3:5:33
constitutional settlement, 2:4:23
constitutional white spaces, 1:3:18, 1:4:23, 1:5:27, 1:5:28, 1:5:29, 1:5:30. See also U.S. Constitution
Continental Congress, 1:2:7, 1:2:12, 3:4:22
contract cases, 2:3:18. See also Slaughter-House Cases
Cooley rule, 3:4:28
Cooley v. Board of Wardens, 3:4:28
Coolidge, Calvin, 3:5:32
cooperative federalism, 3:4:25, 3:5:33. See also American federalism
Corfield v. Coryell, 2:3:15
corruption, 1:3:17, 1:3:18, 1:4:23, 2:5:28. See also bribery
cotton industry, 2:1:5, 2:2:9. See also slavery
COVID pandemic, 1:5:30, 4:4:21
currency, 1:1:5, 1:4:21, 1:4:25, 3:1:3. See also central bank system
Curtis, Benjamin, 3:4:28
death with dignity law, 1:5:29
Declaration of Independence
about, 2:4:25
grievances in the, 1:1:4, 1:2:11
on natural rights, 2:1:3
original sovereign and governing authority in, 1:1:4
as primary source, 1:1:1
declaration of war. See military power
Delaware, 1:3:18
delegated powers, 3:1:4, 3:2:9
democracy, defined, 1:1:2, 2:3:13
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 2:3:13
Democratic Party
debates within, 2:1:7
on Fourteenth Amendment, 2:4:23
modern responses to Republican agenda, 2:5:30
popular elections and, 4:3:16
race and, 4:2:8
demos, 1:1:2
direct democracy, 4:2:9
disability payments, 3:4:29
districting, 4:1:7, 4:2:8, 4:2:9
District of Columbia, 2:2:9
Douglas, Stephen, 2:1:6, 2:1:7
Douglass, Frederick, 2:4:20
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 2:2:8, 2:3:15, 3:4:28
dual federalism, 3:4:25, 3:5:31, 3:5:32. See also American federalism
Due Process Clause, 4:4:18
due process of law, 2:2:10, 2:3:16, 3:5:32
duly convicted, as concept, 2:2:10
E.C. Knight case, 3:4:30
educational laws, 4:4:18, 4:4:19
education program, 3:4:25
effectiveness, 2:1:2
Elastic Clause. See Necessary and Proper Clause
absentee ballots in, 4:1:5, 4:4:21
Anti-Federalists on terms, 1:4:22
logistic constraints in, 4:1:6, 4:2:10, 4:2:11
popular elections, 1:3:18, 4:3:13, 4:3:15, 4:3:16
of presidents, 1:4:26, 3:4:24, 4:1:7, 4:3:12, 4:3:13, 4:3:14
elective monarch government, 1:2:10, 1:2:13
Electoral College
creation of, 1:4:26
popular vote vs., 4:3:13
presidential elections and, 3:4:24, 4:3:12
reforms of, 1:5:30, 4:3:16, 4:3:17
See also popular elections
Ellsworth, Oliver, 1:3:16
Emancipation Proclamation, 2:2:9
embargos, 3:3:16. See also trade economies
Employment Division v. Smith, 2:5:29
entitlement programs, 3:4:29
enumerated powers, 3:1:4, 3:2:9
Epps, Garrett, 2:3:14
Equal Protection Clause, 2:3:16, 4:1:2
Erie Canal, 2:1:2
execution of laws, 1:1:3, 1:2:10, 1:2:12, 1:3:17, 1:5:29. See also legislative powers
executive agreements, 1:5:28, 3:3:18, 3:3:19, 3:3:20
executive orders, 1:5:29, 3:3:18
executive powers, 1:1:1
in 19th c. vs. 20th c., 3:2:10
Article II, U.S. Constitution on, 1:4:23, 3:2:9
checks and balances on, 3:1:5, 3:3:15, 3:3:17
Clinton on, 1:4:23
Committee of Detail on, 1:3:17
constitutional interpretation on, 1:5:27
constitutional white spaces on, 1:3:18, 1:4:23, 1:5:27, 1:5:28, 1:5:29, 1:5:30
of declaration of war, 1:2:10, 1:4:23, 1:5:27, 1:5:29, 3:1:3, 3:3:21
defined, 1:1:3
as enumerated powers, 3:1:4, 3:2:9
of FDR, 3:2:14
founders of, 3:2:8
grievances in Declaration of Independence on, 1:1:4, 1:2:11
Hamilton on, 1:2:10, 1:2:13, 1:4:25
as inherent powers, 1:5:27, 1:5:28, 1:5:29, 3:2:11
Madison’s Virginia Plan on, 1:2:8, 1:2:11, 1:3:16
New Jersey Plan on, 1:2:9, 1:3:16
Pacificus-Helvidius Debate on, 3:2:9, 3:2:10
parchment barriers on, 1:1:5
separation of powers and, 3:2:14
state constitutions on, 1:1:5, 1:1:6, 1:3:15, 1:4:26
of Taft, 3:2:12
of Teddy Roosevelt, 3:2:12, 3:3:16, 3:3:17
in treaties vs. executive agreements, 3:3:19, 3:3:20
of Wilson, 3:2:13
See also implied powers; judicial powers; legislative powers; plural executive power; presidents; separation of powers
executive privilege, 3:3:18, 3:3:20, 3:3:21
explicit powers, 3:1:4
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 3:5:34
faithless electors, 4:3:17
Federal Housing Administration, 3:5:33
federalism. See American federalism
Federalist Papers
on coalition building, 2:1:7
on “new science of politics,” 1:4:25
as primary source, 1:1:1
on U.S. Constitution, 1:4:21
federal police powers. See police powers of the state
federal vs. state judicial system, 1:4:22, 1:4:25, 1:4:26. See also judicial powers
felons, voting rights of, 4:1:6
Field, Stephen Johnson, 3:2:11, 4:3:12
foreign policy
cotton industry and, 2:1:5
early Constitutional Convention debates on, 1:3:15, 1:3:18
executive powers of, 3:2:10
of George Washington, 3:2:9
Hamilton Plan on, 1:2:10
of nation-states, 1:4:21
presidential inherent powers and, 1:5:29
U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. and, 3:3:16
Foreign Relations Committees, 3:3:20
Franklin, Benjamin, 1:4:23
freedom of religion, 4:4:18, 4:4:19, 4:4:20
Free Exercise Clause, 4:3:17, 4:4:18, 4:4:19, 4:4:20, 4:4:21
Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 2:1:6, 2:1:7
fugitive slave clause, 2:1:5, 2:3:18
Fuller, Melville, 3:2:11
Garrison, William Lloyd, 2:1:7
Georgia, 4:1:5, 4:2:10, 4:3:15
Gerry, Elbridge, 1:3:16, 1:3:18, 4:2:8
gerrymandering, 4:2:8, 4:2:9, 4:2:10
Gettysburg Address (1863), 2:2:9, 2:2:12
Gibbons v. Ogden, 2:4:25, 3:4:27, 3:4:28, 3:5:31, 3:5:34
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 4:2:9
Goldberg, Arthur, 2:3:16
Gorham, Nathaniel, 1:3:16
grandfather clauses, 2:4:24
Grant, Ulysses, 2:4:23, 2:5:28
Great Depression, 3:5:32
Great Society, 3:2:10
grievances in the Declaration of Independence, 1:1:4
Griswold v. Connecticut, 2:3:16
hacking and cracking, 4:2:8
Haiti, 2:1:6
Hamilton, Alexander
at Constitutional Convention, 1:2:7, 1:2:8, 1:2:10, 1:2:13, 1:3:15, 1:4:23
on executive power, 1:2:10, 1:4:23, 1:4:25
Federalist Papers by, 1:4:24, 1:4:25, 3:2:9
on implied powers, 3:1:6, 3:1:7, 3:2:9
on loose construction, 2:1:2
national bank and, 3:4:26
as Publius, 1:4:24
on revolution and independence, 1:4:23
signing of constitution by, 1:4:21
Hammer v. Dagenhart, 3:5:32
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, 4:2:11
Harrison, Benjamin, 3:2:11
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States, 3:5:34
Helvidius (pseudonym), 3:2:9, 3:2:10
high crimes and misdemeanors, 1:3:18
Hoover, Herbert, 3:5:32
Howard, Jacob, 2:3:15
Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 2:3:13
human rights, 2:1:3
identifications and voting rights, 2:5:30, 4:2:11. See also voting rights
Illinois, 4:4:18
impeachment, 1:3:17, 1:3:18, 1:5:27, 3:3:21. See also presidents
implied powers
Anti-Federalists on, 3:1:7
enumerated vs., 3:1:4, 3:1:6, 3:2:9
limitations of, 1:5:27, 3:2:10
In re Neagle case on, 3:2:11
Roosevelt on, 3:2:12
Supreme Court on, 3:3:15
See also executive powers
income tax amendment, 2:5:26. See also taxation
incorporation doctrine, 4:4:18
independent redistricting commission, 4:2:9
individual liberty, 1:4:22, 2:1:2, 3:1:4
inherent powers, 1:5:27, 1:5:28, 1:5:29, 3:2:11
In re Neagle case, 3:2:11, 3:2:12, 3:3:15
interpretations. See constitutional interpretations
interpretive function of executive powers, 1:1:3. See also executive powers
interstate commerce, 1:4:25, 3:4:27, 3:4:28, 3:4:30, 3:5:34. See also commerce and trade
Interstate Commerce Clause. See Commerce Clause
invalidated ballots, 4:2:10, 4:2:11. See also elections
Jackson, Andrew, 2:1:2
Jackson, Robert, 3:3:15
Jay, John, 1:4:24
Jefferson, Thomas
on colonial legislatures, 1:1:6
creation of political parties by, 2:1:7
on implied powers, 3:2:9
on judicial review, 3:1:6
Kentucky resolutions by, 2:1:2
on natural rights of enslaved people, 2:1:3
on parchment barriers, 1:1:5
on Philadelphia Convention, 2:4:19
slavery and, 2:4:25
writing of Declaration of Independence and, 1:1:4
Jewish community, 4:4:21
Johnson, Andrew, 2:4:19, 2:4:21, 2:4:23
Johnson, Lyndon, 2:5:28, 3:2:10
Jones v. Alfred Mayer Co., 2:2:12, 2:3:17
judicial activism, 3:5:32
judicial powers
Federalists on, 1:4:25
Jefferson on, 3:1:6
Justice Kennedy on, 2:5:29
parchment barriers on, 1:1:5
of presidents, 3:2:10
relationship to presidents, 1:5:30
Republican Party on, 2:5:29
of state vs. federal courts, 1:4:22, 1:4:26
tensions within, 3:1:6
See also executive powers; legislative powers; Supreme Court of the United States
judicial restraint, 3:5:32
judicial review, 2:4:25, 3:1:5, 3:1:6
jury duty, 4:1:3
Kagan, Elena, 2:5:29
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), 2:1:6, 2:1:7
Katzenbach v. McClung, 3:5:34
Keating-Owens Child Labor Act, 3:5:32
Kennedy, Anthony, 2:5:29
Kerry, John, 4:3:16
KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 2:5:28
Korean War, 3:3:15, 3:3:21, 4:1:5
labor laws, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34. See also working conditions
labor strikes, 3:3:15
Lamar, Lucius, 3:2:11
languages, 1:1:5
Lansing, John, 1:2:7, 1:3:15, 1:4:23
Lecompton Constitution, 2:1:6, 2:1:7
legislative powers
1776 Virginia Constitution on, 1:1:6
Article I, U.S. Constitution on, 1:4:26, 3:1:3, 3:1:4
Declaration of Independence and, 1:1:4
execution of laws, 1:1:3, 1:2:10, 1:2:12, 1:3:17, 1:5:29
Hamilton on, 1:2:10
Madison on, 1:2:8
making of laws, 1:1:2
parchment barriers on, 1:1:5
of presidents, 3:2:10
in state constitutions, 1:4:26
Virginia Plan on, 1:2:8, 1:2:11
See also executive powers; judicial powers
Legislature of the State, 4:2:9
liberty of contract, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
limited jurisdiction, 1:4:22. See also judicial powers
Lincoln, Abraham
on Declaration of Independence and sovereignty, 1:1:4
on equality, 2:4:23
Gettysburg Address by, 2:2:9, 2:2:12
on nation-building, 2:3:18
newspaper media and, 1:5:30
literacy test, 2:4:24
Locke, John, 1:1:3
logistic constraints on voting, 4:1:6, 4:2:10, 4:2:11. See also voting rights
Lost Cause, 2:4:23
lotteries, 3:5:31
LSD, 4:4:19
Madison, James
on Connecticut Compromise, 1:2:11, 1:3:15, 1:4:24
Constitutional Convention notes by, 1:1:1, 1:1:5, 1:3:14
creation of political parties by, 2:1:7
Federalist Papers by, 1:4:24, 3:2:9, 3:4:24
on implied powers, 3:2:9
national bank and, 3:4:26
on northern/southern division, 1:3:18
on popular election, 4:3:13
as Publius, 1:4:24
on slavery, 2:4:25
on states rights, 2:3:18
mail-in voting, 4:2:11. See also elections
majority rule, 2:2:12
“maladministration” as proposed term, 1:3:18
manufacturing and production of goods, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
Marbury v. Madison, 2:1:2, 2:4:25, 2:5:29
marijuana legalization, 1:5:29
marriage, laws on, 4:4:18
Marshall, John, 2:1:2, 3:4:26, 3:4:27
Marshall, Thurgood, 2:3:14, 2:3:17
Maryland, 3:4:26
Mason, George, 1:3:18
Massachusetts, 1:1:5
maximum work hours, 3:5:32, 3:5:34
McCulloch v. Maryland, 2:4:25, 3:1:4, 3:1:7, 3:4:23, 3:4:26
McKinley, William, 4:3:14
McLaurin v. Oklahoma, 2:3:17
media, 1:5:30
military arms, sale of, 3:3:16
military power, 1:2:10, 1:4:23, 1:5:27, 1:5:29, 3:1:3, 3:3:21. See also police powers of the state
military service, 2:5:27, 4:1:3, 4:1:4, 4:1:5, 4:1:7
Miller, Samuel, 2:3:18
ministerial oversight, 1:1:3
minority rule, 2:1:6
Mississippi, 4:1:7
Missouri Compromise, 2:1:5, 2:2:9
money. See currency; debt
Montesquieu, Charles, 1:1:5, 3:1:5
Mormon community, 4:4:18
Morris, Gouverneur, 2:1:3, 2:3:18, 2:4:19
Murray, Judith Sargent, 2:1:3
national bank system, 3:4:26
national emergencies, 1:5:29, 1:5:30
national police powers. See police powers of the state
National Popular Vote Compact, 4:3:15
National Recovery Act, 3:5:33
national security, 1:5:29, 3:3:15, 3:3:18, 3:3:20. See also military power
national vs. federal government, as system, 3:4:22, 3:4:23, 3:4:24
nation-building, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 2:4:23
nation-states, 1:1:4
attending Constitutional Convention, 1:2:8, 1:3:14
on citizenship rules, 1:1:5, 1:3:14, 1:4:21, 2:1:3, 2:1:7, 2:2:8
Connecticut Compromise on, 1:3:15
constitutional interpretation by, 1:4:26
early Constitutional Convention debates on roles of, 1:3:15, 1:4:21
Revolutionary War by, 1:2:7
See also state sovereignty
Native American communities, 2:3:15, 4:4:19
Neagle, David, 3:2:11
Necessary and Proper Clause, 3:1:4, 3:1:7, 3:4:23, 3:4:26. See also Article I, U.S. Constitution
Neustadt, Richard, 1:5:27, 1:5:30
New Deal, 3:2:14, 3:4:25, 3:5:31, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
New Jersey Plan, 1:2:9, 1:2:12, 1:3:16, 1:4:21
“new science of politics,” 1:4:25
New York
on Articles of Confederation, 1:2:10
at Constitutional Convention, 1:2:7, 1:3:15, 1:4:21, 1:4:23
on executive powers, 1:1:5
interstate commerce case in, 3:4:27
ratification of the U.S. Constitution and, 1:4:24
Nixon, Richard, 3:3:21
No Child Left Behind, 3:4:25
North Carolina, 1:3:18
Northwest Ordinance (1787), 2:2:10
Obama, Barack, 2:5:27, 3:2:10, 4:3:16
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 4:4:19
oligarchy, 1:1:2
One Person, One Vote principle, 4:1:7, 4:2:10, 4:3:13, 4:3:17
optimism, 2:3:13
Oregon, 4:4:19
original intent, 2:4:25
original thought, 2:4:25
Pacificus (pseudonym), 3:2:9, 3:2:10
Pacificus-Helvidius Debate, 3:2:9, 3:2:10
paranoia, 2:1:6
parchment barriers, 1:1:5
pardon power, 1:4:23, 2:4:21, 3:2:10. See also executive powers
parliamentary government, 1:2:8, 1:2:11
partisan gerrymandering, 4:2:8, 4:2:9, 4:2:10
Pennsylvania, 1:3:18, 2:1:2, 2:5:27, 3:4:28, 4:2:9, 4:3:13
pensions, 3:4:29
personal liberty, 1:4:22, 2:1:2
“personal protection,” 2:1:6
personhood, 2:2:9, 2:3:14. See also citizenship
peyote, 4:4:19
Philadelphia Convention, 2:4:19, 4:3:13
philosophical foundation of the American political system, 1:1:1
Pierce, Franklin, 2:1:5
Pinckney, Charles, 1:3:16
Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 4:2:9
plural executive power, 1:2:9, 1:2:10, 1:3:15, 1:3:16, 1:4:23, 1:4:25. See also executive powers
police powers of the state, 1:5:30, 3:1:3, 3:4:23, 3:5:31, 3:5:32. See also military power
political parties, 1:4:26, 2:1:7, 4:2:8, 4:3:12, 4:3:14, 4:3:17. See also Democratic Party; Republican Party
political question doctrine, 4:2:9
political rights, 2:1:3, 2:2:11, 4:1:3. See also citizenship; voting rights
Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 2:5:26
poll taxes, 2:4:24
polygamy, 4:4:18
popular democracy, 4:2:9, 4:3:13
popular elections, 1:3:18, 4:3:13, 4:3:15, 4:3:16. See also elections; Electoral College; presidents
popular sovereignty, 1:2:11, 1:3:16, 2:1:6, 2:1:7, 3:1:2, 3:1:6. See also state sovereignty
poverty and military service, 4:1:4, 4:1:5, 4:1:7
precedent, 1:5:30
prerogative power, 1:1:3, 1:5:27
presidential powers. See executive powers
Articles of Confederation on, 1:2:12, 1:3:16
Committee of Detail on office of, 1:3:17
election of, 1:4:26, 3:4:24, 4:1:7, 4:3:12, 4:3:13, 4:3:14
Electoral College and election of, 4:3:12, 4:3:13, 4:3:14
impeachment of, 1:3:17, 1:3:18, 1:5:27, 3:3:21
origin of word, 1:1:5
relationship to Congress, 1:5:30
State of the Union addresses by, 3:2:10, 3:2:13
terms of, 1:3:16, 1:3:18, 1:4:23, 1:5:30, 4:3:17
See also executive powers; implied powers; names of specific presidents
primary sources, 1:1:1, 1:3:14
private property. See property ownership
Privileges and Immunities Clause, 2:3:15, 2:3:16, 2:3:18
Progressive Movement, 3:5:32
property ownership, 1:1:5, 1:4:25, 2:1:4, 2:2:9, 4:1:1
provisional ballots, 4:2:10. See also elections
pseudonyms, 1:4:21
public accomodations, discrimination in, 3:5:34
public health, 2:3:18
Publius (pseudonym), 1:4:24, 3:2:9
citizenship rules and, 1:1:5, 2:1:4
constitutional settlement and, 2:4:23
Fifteenth Amendment on voting rights and, 2:4:24
public accommodations discrimination based on, 3:5:34
radio, 1:5:30
railroads, 2:2:11, 2:5:28, 3:4:29
Randolph, Edmund, 1:3:16
Reconstruction Amendments, 2:1:2, 2:1:5, 2:3:14, 2:3:17, 2:3:18, 2:4:23. See also Thirteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution; Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution; Fifteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution
redistricting, 2:5:27. See also districting
Religious Freedom Restoration Act (1993), 2:5:29, 4:4:20
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (2000), 4:4:20
reparations for slavery, 2:4:22. See also slavery
representative apportionment, 2:4:20
representative government, 1:2:11, 1:3:15, 3:1:2, 3:2:13
reproductive rights, 4:2:9, 4:4:21. See also abortion
Republican Party
on Civil War outcome, 2:4:21
corruption in, 2:5:28
on judicial powers, 2:5:29
modern agenda of, 2:5:30
on national cohesion, 2:2:9, 2:2:11
popular elections and, 4:3:16
on Southern representation, 2:4:20
residual malapportionment, 4:1:7
restrictive covenants, 2:3:17
retirement, 3:5:33
revisionist view, 3:5:33
Revolutionary War, 1:2:7, 1:4:23
Reynolds v. Sims, 4:1:7
Rhode Island, 1:1:5, 1:2:7, 1:4:21, 1:4:24
right to be sued, 2:1:4, 2:2:11
right to declare war. See military power
right to jury trials, 4:4:19
right to representation, 2:1:3
Roberts, John, 2:5:29, 4:2:8, 4:2:9
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 3:2:12, 3:2:14, 3:5:33. See also New Deal
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:5:30, 3:2:12, 3:3:16
rural-urban divide, 1:4:22, 1:4:25
Rutledge, John, 1:3:16, 1:3:17, 1:3:18
Sawyer, Charles, 3:3:15
Scalia, Antonin, 2:3:16, 4:4:19
Scott, Dred, 2:2:8. See also Dred Scott v. Sandford
Scott, Walter, 2:3:13
selective exclusivity, 3:4:28, 3:5:32
self-government, 1:4:22. See also popular sovereignty; state sovereignty
separation of powers
creation of, 2:4:19
Declaration of Independence and, 1:1:4
defined, 3:1:5
executive powers and, 3:2:14
Hamilton on, 1:4:25
Jefferson on, 3:1:6
Madison Plan on, 1:2:8
Montesquieu on, 1:1:5
nation-states on, 1:1:5
U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. and, 3:3:16
See also executive powers; judicial powers; legislative powers
shared federalism, 3:4:25, 3:5:33. See also American federalism
Shelby County v. Holder, 2:5:29, 4:2:8, 4:2:9, 4:2:11
Shelley v. Kraemer, 2:3:17
Sherbert v. Verner, 2:5:29, 4:4:18, 4:4:19
Sherman, Roger, 1:3:18
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 3:4:30, 3:5:32
Silver, Nate, 4:3:12
Slaughter-House Cases, 2:3:15, 2:3:18
slave power, 2:1:5, 2:1:6, 2:2:12, 2:4:21
slave revolts, 2:1:6
abolition of, 2:2:9, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 4:1:1
Constitutional Convention on, 1:3:16, 1:3:18
constitutional interpretations on, 2:2:8, 2:3:15
Electoral College and, 4:3:17
in Haiti, 2:1:6
hierarchical culture and, 2:1:3
legislation on, 2:1:5, 2:1:6, 2:1:7, 2:2:9
Madison and, 2:4:25
presidential candidates and, 2:1:5
reparations for, 2:4:22
state determinations on, 2:2:8, 2:2:9
Twain on, 2:3:13
See also Thirteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution; African American citizens; cotton industry
Smith v. Oregon Employment Division, 4:4:19, 4:4:20
Society of the Cincinnati, 2:1:3
Sole Organ Theory, 3:3:16
souls to polls movement, 4:2:10
South Carolina, 1:3:18
State Action Doctrine, 3:5:34
state constitutions, 4:2:9, 4:2:10. See also U.S. Constitution
state elections, 4:1:7, 4:3:14. See also popular elections; state sovereignty
State of the Union address, 3:2:10, 3:2:13. See also presidents
state police powers, 1:5:30, 3:1:3, 3:4:23, 3:5:31, 3:5:32. See also military power
state sovereignty
under Articles of Confederation, 3:1:2, 3:1:3
Brearley Committee on, 1:3:18
citizenship rules and, 1:1:5
in Declaration of Independence, 1:1:4
governing authority in, 1:1:4
Lincoln on, 2:2:12
Madison on, 1:2:11
New Jersey Plan on, 1:2:9
Southern states on, 2:2:8
at the time of the creation of U.S. Constitution, 1:4:21
See also Constitutional Convention (1787); nation-states; popular sovereignty; self-government; state constitutions
state vs. federal judicial system, 1:4:22, 1:4:25, 1:4:26. See also judicial powers
Stewardship Theory, 3:2:12, 3:3:16
suffrage. See voting rights
suffragist movement, 2:4:20, 4:1:4
Sumner, Charles, 2:4:23
Supremacy Clause, 3:1:2, 3:1:3, 3:3:19, 3:4:23. See also popular sovereignty
Supreme Court of the United States
Fourteenth Amendment and, 2:3:16, 2:3:17
on implied powers, 3:3:15
nomination process of, 1:3:18
role in 1860s of, 2:2:12
tensions and limits to power of, 2:5:29
See also constitutional interpretations; judicial powers; names of specific cases and justices
Sutherland, George, 3:3:16
“switch in time that saved nine,” 3:5:33
Taft, William Howard, 2:1:2, 3:2:12
Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 3:3:15
Take Care Clause, 3:2:9, 3:2:11, 3:2:12
Tandon v. Newsom, 4:4:21
Taney, Roger, 2:1:2, 2:2:8, 2:2:12, 2:3:15
Articles of Confederation on, 1:2:12
income tax amendment, 2:5:26
national bank and, 3:4:26
Pinckney on, 1:3:16
Sixteenth Amendment on, 3:5:31
voting rights and, 4:1:2
television media, 1:5:30
Tenure of Office Act (1820), 2:1:2
termination, 2:1:2. See also impeachment
Terry, David, 3:2:11
Thomas, Clarence, 2:3:16
Three-Fifths Clause, 2:1:5, 2:1:6, 2:1:7, 2:2:12, 2:4:20, 4:1:2
three-household ban, 4:4:21
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 2:3:13
trade economies, 1:4:25, 2:1:2, 2:1:5, 3:3:16. See also commerce and trade
treaties, 1:3:18, 2:1:2, 2:3:15, 3:1:3, 3:3:19
Trump, Donald, 3:2:10, 3:2:13, 4:3:16
Twain, Mark, 2:3:13
tyranny, 1:1:2
uncertainty, 2:1:1. See also fear
unemployment, 3:5:32
unemployment insurance benefits case, 2:5:29, 4:4:18
uniformity, 3:4:29
unitary nature of the executive theory, 1:5:28
unitary system, 3:4:22
United States Steelworkers of America, 3:3:15
urban-rural divide, 1:4:22, 1:4:25
U.S. Congress
Article II on, 3:2:9
authorization of, 2:5:29
consistency of, 1:5:30
executive agreements and, 3:3:20
on executive powers, 1:5:27, 1:5:28
Fourteenth Amendment and, 2:4:20
Free Exercise Clause and, 4:4:20
national bank and, 3:4:26
president’s relationship with, 1:5:30, 3:2:13
state representation in, 1:3:18
Thirteenth Amendment and, 2:2:11, 2:2:12
war power of, 3:3:21
U.S. Constitution
First Amendment, 2:5:29, 4:4:18
Fifth Amendment, 2:1:5, 2:2:9, 3:5:32, 4:4:18
Ninth Amendment, 2:3:16, 3:1:4
Tenth Amendment, 1:4:26, 1:5:30, 2:5:27, 3:1:3, 3:4:23, 3:5:32
Twelfth Amendment, 2:1:5, 4:3:12
Thirteenth Amendment, 2:1:5, 2:1:7, 2:2:8, 2:2:9, 2:2:10, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 2:3:17
Fourteenth Amendment (See Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution)
Fifteenth Amendment, 2:1:5, 2:1:7, 2:2:12, 2:4:24, 4:1:2
Sixteenth Amendment, 3:5:31
Seventeenth Amendment, 3:1:2, 3:5:31
Nineteenth Amendment, 2:5:26, 4:1:2, 4:1:4
Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 4:1:2, 4:1:5
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 4:1:2, 4:1:5
Twenty-Seventh Amendment, 3:1:7
Article I (See Article I, U.S. Constitution)
Article II (See Article II, U.S. Constitution)
Article IV, 2:3:16
Article VI, 1:3:17, 3:1:2, 3:4:23
Article VII, 1:3:17
Article X, 1:3:17
creation of, 1:1:1, 1:4:21, 3:4:22
ratification of, 2:2:11, 3:1:2, 3:1:3, 3:1:7, 3:4:24
See also Articles of Confederation; Constitutional Convention (1787); constitutional white spaces; state constitutions
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, 3:2:14
U.S. House of Representatives, 1:3:18
U.S. Senate
Hamilton Plan on, 1:2:10
power of foreign affairs by, 1:5:27, 1:5:28
state representation in, 1:3:18, 3:1:2, 4:1:1, 4:1:7
treaties and, 3:3:19
vice-president’s role in, 1:4:23
Wilson on role of, 3:2:13
U.S. v. Belmont, 3:3:19
U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 3:3:16
U.S. v. Darby, 3:5:34
U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co., 3:4:30, 3:5:32, 3:5:33, 3:5:34
U.S. v. Nixon, 3:3:21
Utah, 4:4:18
vaccination exemptions, 4:4:21
vagrancy, 2:2:10
Vesey, Denmark, 2:1:6
veto power, 2:5:29, 3:2:10, 3:2:14. See also executive powers
Vietnam War, 2:5:27, 2:5:28, 3:3:21, 4:1:5
Vinson, Fred, 2:3:17
Virginia, 1:1:6, 1:2:8, 1:4:24, 4:3:13
Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 2:3:18
Virginia Plan, 1:2:8, 1:2:11, 1:3:16, 2:1:2, 2:2:11
vote harvesting, 4:2:11
voter fraud, 2:5:30
voter I.D., 2:5:30, 4:2:11. See also voting rights
voting age, 2:5:27, 2:5:30, 4:1:5
voting districting, 4:1:7, 4:2:8, 4:2:9
voting rights
of African Americans, 2:1:4, 2:1:7, 2:4:20, 2:4:24, 4:1:2, 4:1:3
Article II on, 4:1:1
of felons, 4:1:6
Fourteenth Amendment and, 4:1:2, 4:1:6
identification and, 2:5:30, 4:2:11
vs. logistic laws, 4:1:6, 4:2:10
military service and, 4:1:3, 4:1:5
Nineteenth Amendment on, 2:5:26
partisan gerrymandering of, 4:2:8, 4:2:9, 4:2:10
qualification laws on, 4:1:6, 4:2:10
Republican Party restrictions against, 2:5:30
states on, 1:1:5, 1:4:21, 2:4:20
of women, 2:1:3, 2:2:11, 2:2:12, 2:4:20, 2:4:24, 4:1:2, 4:1:4
See also citizenship
Voting Rights Act (1965), 2:5:28, 4:2:10
War of 1812, 3:4:26
war power. See military power
War Powers Act (1973), 3:3:21
Washington, Bushrod, 2:3:15
Washington, George, 1:3:18, 1:5:29, 1:5:30, 3:2:9, 4:1:3
waterways, 3:4:27, 3:4:28, 3:4:29
weaponry, 3:3:16, 3:3:17, 3:3:21. See also military power
Wesberry v. Sanders, 4:1:7
West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, 3:5:33
wheat production, 3:5:34
Wickard v. Filburn, 3:5:34
widow pensions, 3:4:29
Wilson, Woodrow, 3:2:12, 3:2:13
winner-take-all election approach, 4:3:12
Wisconsin, 4:4:18
Wisconsin v. Yoder, 4:4:18, 4:4:19
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 2:1:3
women’s rights
Wong Kim Ark, 2:3:15
working conditions, 3:5:32, 3:5:34. See also labor laws
World War I, 4:1:4
World War II, 4:1:4
Yates, Robert, 1:2:7, 1:3:15, 1:4:23
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 3:1:5, 3:2:11, 3:3:15, 3:3:18